Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Long time

My apologies to my three dedicated readers for having neglected my posting for so long. A daily update isn't as pleasant a prospect when you're staring down the barrel of presententations, proposals, and essays as big my ego.

So we have a budget bonanza today! The recent Tory budget, while appreciated by a Tory supporter such as myself, has nonetheless received a fair amount of hollow flak from Harper's detractors, One of whom is none other than Dion, who claims the budget ignores the Aboriginal community (psst, Mr. Dion, was it not the last decade of Liberal leadership that put the Aboriginal community in an even worse state? Paul Marting wearing a headdress at one or two Aboriginal functions didn't put the money back into their state funded child care system, did it?)

Check out the latest:

Commentary from The National Post

Commentary from Chief Running Scared himself.

And this from The Post, on a new report that does its best to strike at the root of home-grown extremism.

Good luck on your work, everybody; I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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