Monday, February 26, 2007

Is it getting hot in here?

How inconvenient...

It's a Tuesday Two-Fer! Our first story comes on the heels of the Oscar cast and Al Gore's acceptance of the Oscar for Achievement in Self-Inflation...sorry, Documentary Feature, for An Inconvenient Truth. You've heard of it; I doubt I have to give any background on it.

Turns out that Al's Oscar is a tad tarnished - a different kind of green gold than what he'd like to see. According to the Nashville Electric Service (NES) Al's 20-room mansion consumes more energy every month than the average American household does in a year.

Now just imagine all those people burning gas to rush out and buy his Oscar-winning DVD ...all those DVD players running at top capacity to churn out the 4+ hours of extra features...

The Horror

See the link for the full story...

In Other News...

It's hardly disputed that H.G. Wells was a science-fiction visionary, but this is just uncanny. Turns out that the "heat-ray" used by the Martians in his terrifying thriller The War of the Worlds is now in the hands of the US military.

The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program website has released a nifty video of the new "Active Denial System" weapon for public viewing. The weapon itself is not intended to significantly harm its target - it rather inflames (in the swelling, painful sense) a fraction of the target's upper skin layer, lending a burning sensation that is intended to disable much in the same way a TASER would.

Check it out...

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